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SculpSure is the world’s first FDA-cleared laser device for non-invasive lipolysis of the abdomen, flanks, back, inner thighs, outer thighs and submental area. Our submental applicator design is perfect for providing precise and effective treatments resulting in a slimmer appearance under the chin. The addition of the submental application makes the SculpSure device an all-encompassing, non-invasive body contouring system.Safely and effectively eliminate unwanted fat cells in just 25 minutes per treatment with our revolutionary SculpSure technology. Now you can provide patients with non-invasive body contouring that permanently reduces stubborn fat without surgery or downtime.

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Blue in Green Center specialists utilize the latest techniques in minimal non-invasive and long-term cellulite reduction treatment. Our highly-trained nurses use cellulite laser treatments, which are virtually pain-free and highly effective.Our laser cellulite removal technology consists of small laser probes that are inserted just below the skin level to gently heat up the tissues. The laser then releases some of the fibrous septae, reduces the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer and stimulates collagen production to improve skin texture and elasticity. The procedure has no downtime and you can be back to your day immediately after the treatment.


The 1060 nm wavelength’s specific affinity for adipose tissue, coupled with minimal absorption in the dermis, allows SculpSure to efficiently treat areas of troublesome fat in just 25 minutes per treatment. Over time, the body naturally eliminates the disrupted fat cells with results seen as quickly as 6 weeks and optimal results usually seen in as few as 12 weeks. Usually  1-3  treatments are recommended to achieve maximum outcomes.

  • Minimal absorption in the dermis leaves the skin’s surface unharmed

  • Advanced Contact Cooling™ enhances patient comfort

  • Feathering of heat spread provides natural-looking results

  • Mild and transient side effects


We use state-of-the-art laser technologies that are suitable for all skin types and colors. Our FDA approved laser machines deliver results and meet the expectations. Our lower diode laser system is a Class 3B Laser system by Chromogenex called iLipo & iLipo Ultra uses lower energy 650-800 nm and cold level therapy to reduce cellulite affected skin. It’s fast, effective and safe for all types and colors of skin


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Laser Hair Removal

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Skin Rejuvenation


Pigmented Lesions

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